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Marine Lifting & Safety can help you prepare for incidents and most importantly, help you reduce the risk of them. If you carry out or are involved in any lifting operation, you must be aware of the safety measures required. Marine Lifting & Safety can advise on all aspects of lifting safety and planning. We also specialise in pick and carry lift operations and inform how to safely move boats around a site.

How much do ML&S Charge?
Site visits and reports are charged on a daily rate and include a mileage cost. Prices are provided before you commit to a consultation and could save you much more money in the future...
Good safety records are no accident!
Get a quote today and find out how your business can benefit!
What We Don't Do
Train your staff.
Provide certificates for your lifting equipment and accessories.
Share your report with anyone else.
Equipment Replacement
Are you using ageing equipment or want to upgrade? ML&S can offer advice on types of lifting equipment and where to search. Many older machines have properties that newer ones don't. ML&S give consideration to tonnage, lifting environment, budget and lift processes. ML&S can save you costly time and expense.
What We Do
ML&S will arrive on your site on an agreed day and time.
ML&S will conduct an evaluation of your lifting processes derived from observing lifting operations and interview with your lifting/yard manager/supervisor.
Evaluate your complete lifting operation including planning, delivery and if desired, boat storage provision.
Provide a typed full report in categories of urgent, good practice and recommendations - a working document that can be used to monitor continuing processes.
Offer advice on replacing ageing lifting equipment.
Provide links to lifting equipment & accessories providers.
Make recommendations to reduce running costs.
Provide templates for risk assessments & method statements.
Recommend training providers.
Report on lifting equipment, accessory maintenance, and storage.
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